Saturday, January 20, 2007

Flying over the alps

These photos were taken from a Luftansa Prop plane as I flew from Munich, Germany on the way to Genoa, Italy. If you make the journey over the alps by air, make sure you are awake for at least part of the flight, in order to enjoy this incredible view. It is amazing to see the size of these mountains and the amounts of snow covering the tops of them. The altitude difference is so great, that there is no snow in the valleys where you can see villages nestled away between these extraordinary mountains. Take into mind the direction of the sun, it will be on the left side in the morning and the right in the afternoon, if you are traveling towards Italy. And vice versa. This will affect the lighting and visibility when you are in the plane. I would suggest sitting on the side opposite the sun, so that the sun is not directly in your eyes.

Averett Tinsley

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