Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Venice: Scuola Grande di San Rocco

The Grande School of Saint Roch.
Built between 1517 and 1549, this Renaissance building was the meeting place for the devotees of Saint Roch. This brotherhood worked throughout the city providing monetary assistance, food, and even housing to needy families. Though the exterior of the building is nice, it is the interior that is truly inspiring. Paintings by the Venetian master, Tintoretto, cover nearly every surface of the walls depicting various scenes from the bible and the life of Saint Roch. According to historians, Tintoretto painted nearly all the paintings in the building and only asked that the school pay for his supplies and basic necessities in return. Also impressive are the various sculptures in wood around the perimeter of the upper hall that have survived for over 400 years. For a lot more information and pictures of the paintings check out the school's website: http://www.scuolagrandesanrocco.it/

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