Saturday, April 21, 2007

Le Corbusier's Maison La Roche

On my independent travel I went for the first time to Paris and while there I visited a somewhat famous project by Le Corbusier. Maison La Roche (or Villa La Roche), or really two attached houses with the other being Maison Jeanerette, was designed for a Purist and Cubist art collector to not only serve as a home but a gallery as well. Like most of Corbu's project the house is somewhat minimal both externally and internally with white stucco walls and a few windows. This project, Corbu's third in Paris, is the first time three major traits of Corbus designs come out. This includes the ramp, the full-length window, and the roof terrace. There are two powerful spaces in the house. This first is upon entering where one immediately finds thereself in a three story tall space with ample sunlight shining in. This space seperates the living spaces from the public spaces. Stairs that climb up on each side provide a variety of heights and angles to look down. The second space is the gallery which is contained in a wing the lies perpindicular to the main house. This wing is is lifted above the ground a story and contains a two story highr gallery space with a ramp that runs from the first level to a second level with a sitting space and library. The ramp, somewhat steep, is curved at that is reflected on the outside by being the non part of the building that is not straight. The project today serves not only as a museum but as the headquarters for the Le Corbusier Foundation with a research library and archives.

Brian E. Williford

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