Monday, March 12, 2007

Pompidou Centre

The Pompidou Centre located in Paris, France was designed by Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers. The "Centre" is not fully a museum due to the large amount of space designated for research, a library, and student services. Only a small portion of the massive Centre is designed for art exhibitions. The most unique feature of the museum is the inverted condition that Rogers and Piano creates. All internal workings of the building are exposed on the exterior and interior. The use of color locates the different functions of the building-white refers to structure, blue for water etc. Even the Circulation Escalators are attached to the facade, creating a dynamic movement of people through this architectural mechanism. The facade is also designed to display advertisements or to announce exhibitions, like the red rocket currently installed on the façade. This is one of the more expensive museums to visit in Paris, but bring your student card to recieve a small discount.
Robbie Eleazer

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