Sunday, September 2, 2007


In my short time in Italy I have discovered one of the most brilliant ideas in thirst quenching technology. Frizzante is the result of adding carbon dioxide to natural water, this can also be referred to gassata or con gas (with gas). At our first dinner in the villa, water caraffes with blue writing and green writing were placed on the table. Little did I know, I was about to fall in love. While I have tried and enjoyed Pellegrino in America, I never really got into a water that wasn’t readily available everywhere. When you first take a sip, the carbonation makes you think it is going to have a taste, however once you swallow you feel as if you have just taken a sip of regular tap water. Anywhere you go, if you order an ‘acqua’ you are automatically asked ‘naturale o frizzante’. As much as I am in love with acqua frizzante, imagine my delight when our Italian professor Barbara introduced us to the idea of vino rosso frizzante (frizzante red wine)! Carbonated wine, who would’ve thought… these Italians are brilliant!

1 comment:

meg said...

When you get back to the states, keep an eye out for the "soda" lever on fountain drink machines. Much like the "water" lever usually under lemonade or hi-c, the soda lever dispenses delicious, delicious frizz.