Sunday, March 25, 2007

San Marco

The Piazza di San Marco, located in Venice, is Italy's most famous piazza. The piazza, in the 9th century, was originally a small area in front of St. Mark's Basilica. Then, in 1177, a canal was filled in to form the large piazza it is today. In the 13th century the piazza was paved with bricks in a herring bone pattern, and in 1723, San Marco was repaved with a more complex design. The pavement consists of dark-colored igneous trachyte with geometrical designs executed in white Istrian stone. These pavement patterns help to visually lengthen the space.
San Marco is bound by three major buildings: St. Mark's Basilica, the Doge's Palace, and the basilica's campanile. The perimeters are lined with shops and cafes, and the cafe tables are spread out into the piazza. San Marco is lively with tourists and vendors selling Venetian masks, gondola hats, and other souvenirs. The piazza is also full of pigeons. All around the piazza you will find vendors selling pigeon food. However, you must be careful because the pigeons will swarm you if you have food.
Mandy Hayden

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